Thank you to my "compadre" Beasley for introducing me to his friends! I cannot wait to see my compadre Beasley again in his new home! He is such a good role model for me, I miss our hikes!
Thank you for your posts! I have seen the posts and I appreciate it! I am still adjusting to the new noises and scenary. I am not as scared of the vaccum anymore, as long as I get to sit on top of the couch, I'm cool!
As you can see, I really love my little human sister. I love getting on her bed in the morning to wake her up and give her Gotti kisses! Sometimes when I get on her bed, I just sit and wait for her to wake up and pet me. Other times I cuddle with her. I really enjoy going with my human mommy to pick her up from school too! I sit behind her in the car and she gives me kisses on my nose and feeds me goldfish! Don't tell her mom!
My family is great! They have been taking me to the dog parks too! I do much better with small groups, I can never seem to find a friend to play with when there are too many dogs. Once I find a friend I love being chased and love to wrestle! My humans think I am more greyhound then pitbull, I LOVE TO RUN! I get so excited when we go to the park! If only I had wings, I would fly! I try to play with everyone too, even the little dogs but they never want to play with me, I don't understand why? I am only 64lbs! My humans say I can be too rough and that I do not know my own strength! I do not feel big but I am still trying to be gentle.
I am doing much better with my walking too. I do not pull my humans as much. I use my manners (sit) when I want a treat or when I want my back scratched too. It is a little hard for me to learn to laydown still but if I can learn how to hold my treats between my paws, anything is possible!
Talk more later, Ciao!